AcePharma is a food supplements trademark – own developed and finished pharmaceutical products in consumer packaging. Manufacturing of pharmaceutical products takes place in accordance with the HACCP principles in modern pharmaceutical GMP standards adequate facilities. All products are manufactured in compliance with the EFSA regulations.

Natural origin of all products
AcePharma products are characterized by their solely natural origin. The diversity of nature gives numerous possibilities of how to help people in their health problems. AcePharma products use these option together with the latest research and in the accordance with EU directives and offer natural products of high medical value.
Raw material and its quality
Raw material and its quality is the basis of all products. We realize the importance of all ingredients quality. All raw materials are the vegetable origin, and specifically grown plants alt.collected wild plants or fruits. Selected raw materials originate in the oceans, providing raw materials still unreached diseases or contamination. All raw materials for our production are therefore purchased worldwide exclusively directly from the plant growers and producers. Each type of the purchased raw material documented by the grower certificate issued in accordance with the international law and supervisory authority. Raw materials are then carefully packed to withstand possible adverse conditions during the transport from the remote areas.
Receipt of raw materials and input control
All received raw material before entering to the production process itself is subjected to entry checks, the sample is removed for examination as well as checked all documents. The raw material and ingrediaents are stored in the appropriate premises.
Products and Processing
Appropriate choice of product and its composition is carried out by our educated pharmaceutical specialist. All of our products comply with EFSA regulation as well as duly registered to the Ministry of Health.
The production process takes place according to the HACCP principles in modern pharmaceutical equipment complying with GMP standards. The products are manufactured in the form of capsules with a maximum or a maximum permissible content of active substances. Our attention is also focused on the empty capsules material. We offer wide range of gelatin, vegetarian alt. KOSHER capsules.
Final inspection and distribution
Each individual final product s inspected before shipment and packed for shipment. The expedition, we use our proven transport service.